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  • @GM

    1st want to say thanks for giving us sub att changers, some of us niggas needed those

    2nd, we NEED ranked mode, aint even a joke, its that time of year when pros n legend names are getting online, they is no crew league or ranked mode?
    cmon mane. people want it back.

    3rdly, i been lookin at korea fs2 updates, they shit lit, i compare it to ours, our updates are just repeats from last month, appart from this draw em event, this nice,

    4th, please cmon, instead of giving us 1item ball, give us items, or epic coin shops, or more like real life basketball shoes, accessories, etc, cus we aint seeing much...

    anyways thanks for the current stuff though

  • #2
    Made a suggestion sticky note at top of general. If you would like to repost there. This is a good start for suggestions.


    • #3
      better u trying do so email

